Mint Green Smoothie
Recipe makes 2 servings
1 cup (148g) cucumber, chopped
1 medium (196g) zucchini, chopped
1 tsp lemon zest
2 Tbsp (30ml) fresh lemon juice
1/2 cup (122g) Greek yogurt
2 Tbsp (20g) hemp seeds
2 scoops (78g) HLTH Code Creamy Vanilla
1/4 cup (8.5g) fresh mint leaves
1 cup (111g) ice
2 Tbsp (1.6g) monk fruit (or another sugar-free sweetener of choice)
In a blender, combine all ingredients and lend on high speed until smooth and creamy. Adjust sweetness to taste and serve.
Add a pinch of salt to enhance the flavor. Also, you can add a tablespoon of heavy cream for a richer and creamier texture.
Nutritional breakdown per shake (recipe makes 2)
22.6g Fat
15.2g NET Carbsx